Home Oxygen Systems
When you are prescribed oxygen, finding the right home oxygen supplier and home oxygen system is key to promoting good health and comfort.
At AdvaCare Home Services, we’re committed to ensuring all our customers have reliable oxygen systems to meet their needs. We’re an oxygen service company with the best delivery system to meet your clinical and lifestyle needs. Contact us today for more information.

Why Do I Need Supplemental Oxygen?
An oxygen system supplements the oxygen saturation level of blood. Oxygen must reach the tiny cells throughout our body to feed them, giving them the energy necessary for life. If one’s lungs are affected by disease, using supplemental oxygen provides higher levels of oxygen in the small air sacs of the lungs (alveoli) that help move the oxygen onward into your body’s blood system. The oxygen system that best fits your needs depends on the liter flow your doctor orders, number of hours you use it daily and your lifestyle. Once we receive your doctor’s orders, an AdvaCare Home Services Respiratory Therapist or customer service experts will guide you to the best choice.
Home Oxygen Concentrator
The oxygen concentrator is the main unit you’ll use in your home. The unit cycles air through a special filter bed and extracts oxygen for delivery via a nasal cannula, consisting of two small prongs that fit comfortably into your nose.
The unit runs on electricity, so you have an unlimited supply of oxygen if you’re connected to power. You can also take the 38- to 40-pound unit in the car with you for overnight trips, as long as you can pack it upright.
Portable Oxygen Concentrator
All portable concentrators work on a rechargeable battery or electricity, and most can plug into a car as well. These units weigh from 4 to 12 pounds and are the only systems allowed for air travel.
Oxygen Cylinders
Cylinders are tanks that hold oxygen and come filled and sealed. Once they are empty, you’ll need to exchange them for new filled cylinders. We bring new cylinders every few weeks, so ensure you can be home to take delivery.
HomeFill Oxygen System
If you’re going out, you have a few options for portable oxygen systems to make your time out of your home more comfortable and convenient. We offer two proven main systems:
Transfill Cylinders
Transfill cylinders have the most convenient portable oxygen cylinders. They work with a conservation device and give you the freedom to easily move around inside or outside of the house for six to 10 hours per day. This setup comes with two cylinders you can fill from a compressor that’s part of the system. We supply a carry case you can put over your shoulder. Transfill systems work well for people using a low liter flow of 1 to 3 liters.
Standard Cylinders
If your liter flow is from 3 to 5 liters, you may benefit more from standard cylinders and a conservation device. Although not as convenient to carry, larger cylinders will give you more time out of your home and you can put several in your car when traveling. If you require constant flow, then an E cylinder maybe your best option. Many people have seen cylinders of this size in hospitals and doctor’s offices for transporting patients. The cart we provide with these cylinders will be necessary to transport them conveniently.
Contact AdvaCare Home Services for Oxygen
AdvaCare Home Services is committed to honoring our customers’ trust. As your home oxygen company, we’ll do everything possible to ensure your safety and help improve your quality of life with our caring and experienced staff, upfront price transparency, and service flexibility. To learn more about our products or services, contact us today.