Emergency Planning for Oxygen

Emergency Planning if you use Oxygen and Other Breathing Equipment

While AdvaCare Home Services is committed to supporting our patients as much as possible in an emergency, each person must plan to keep themselves safe as well. In emergency situations, delivery times are not guaranteed and someone will need to be available when we can get to you. Review this guide so we can plan together.

Short Term Emergency

The Emergency is short-term and limited to your home and/or neighborhood.  Storm power outages, furnace breakdown or fire would be some examples.  

Staying in your home – emergency is scheduled to be resolved in 8 hours or less

  • Use your backup cylinder and call us to pick up additional cylinders or have additional cylinders delivered if roads and your home are both accessible.   Refusal of backup on initial delivery does not give you priority status for delivery
  •  If you leave your home, contact us with the address and phone number where you will be staying.    
  • Take your equipment and all supplies with you.
  • Any caretaker can pick up cylinders for you at our branch locations during business hours.  Listen to your local news for additional information.

Emergency longer than 8 hours, but less than 3 days

Examples are extended power outages from storms, ice or man-made disasters

  •  If safe to stay in your home, we may be able to deliver cylinders to you if your home is accessible.    We cannot give you a specific time for delivery under emergency conditions and you must let us know if you then decide to leave your home after you order them.   
  • Look for alternate shelter at a family, friend, motel or emergency shelter for power outages longer than 24 hours limiting heating and cooking.  Remember – open flames are not safe with oxygen – kerosene heaters, candles and fireplaces are not safe substitutes.
  • If you must leave your home temporarily, contact us with the address and phone where you will be staying.  412-249-9000. Take your equipment and all supplies with you.
  • Contact utilities for updates, coordinate transportation, medication and food needs.  Listen for news bulletins and shelter addresses.
  • Contact your power company to ensure they are aware that you are using power for life sustaining therapy.

Critical Emergency

The emergency situation is critical.  Floods, tornados, man-made disasters, or ice storms are examples.

  •  Follow all directions from Emergency bulletins as to evacuation plans.  Contact 911 if you are stranded and cannot safely leave your home.  
  • Find shelter at a family, friend, motel or emergency shelter  Be sure you or caregivers transport your equipment and all supplies to a place of safety.  
  • If an area is affected  severely, AdvaCare will not be able to take care of your long term needs.   YOU MUST ACT TO KEEP YOURSELF SAFE.  
  • Emergency rooms may be overwhelmed and should not be considered a source of oxygen unless all other options are exhausted.   If you use a ventilator for life support,  go to the nearest hospital.  Bring your resuscitation bag!
  •  If you use with a mask, find a safe place with electrical power.
  • Call us as soon as safe to do so with your emergency address and phone at 412-249-9000.  If you are out of our service area, you may incur out of pocket expenses from another provider who may require a credit card or payment in advance.     
Questions? Contact Us!